Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Corel Completes Acquisition of Roxio® Business from Rovi Corporation

Ottawa, ON - February 7, 2012

Corel today announced that it has completed the acquisition of the Roxio® business from Rovi Corporation. With this deal, Corel has expanded its product portfolio to include Roxio’s broad range of digital media and security solutions, including Roxio Creator®, the industry’s most popular digital media suite and Roxio® Toast®, the leading media conversion software on the Mac® platform. Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

Corel now adds the Roxio product line, including the following well-known products, to its portfolio:

Roxio Creator® – Software to enhance, preserve, capture and share your digital media
Roxio® Toast® – The ultimate multi-media toolkit for your Mac
Roxio® Game Capture – Software and hardware solution to record your console gameplay
Roxio® Easy VHS to DVD – Convert analog video tapes to digital video for sharing on DVD, online and mobile devices
Roxio® CinePlayer® DVD Decoder – Watch your favorite DVDs on Windows Media Player
Roxio® BackOnTrack™ Suite – Complete media protection solution that automatically keeps your memories safe and protects your PC from both hardware and software disasters
Roxio® Secure Products – Powerful encryption for optical media and USB flash drives
“We want Roxio’s customers and partners to know that these products are an important addition to our portfolio and they will have a great home with Corel,” said Shawn Cadeau, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing at Corel. “We look forward to bringing together the best of what Corel and Roxio have to offer as we work to deliver even richer, more rewarding experiences to our customers.”

With this acquisition, Corel will take advantage of its well-established global infrastructure to dramatically broaden distribution of Roxio products into new international markets. In addition, the company will draw upon the complementary video, photo, audio, and disc burning technologies found in both Roxio and Corel software to give users even more capabilities and further enhance Corel’s overall product portfolio. Corel also sees significant opportunities in combining the strengths of Corel’s and Roxio’s established retail and direct sales channels and large customer bases.

In a separate news release today, Corel also announced the introduction of its first Roxio product, Roxio® VHS to DVD 3 Plus. Today many customers have precious memories recorded on old tapes that are degrading over time and the devices to play them may eventually disappear. Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3 Plus makes it easy to transfer your VHS, Hi8 and V8 videos tapes to digital video formats and save them to DVD. New easy-to-use features make your videos look great and also offer sharing to YouTube™, Facebook® and mobile devices like iPhone®. See the full news release at:

For more information on Corel, please visit For more details on the Roxio product line, please visit

About Corel
Corel is one of the world’s top software companies with more than 100 million active users in over 75 countries. We develop software that helps people express their ideas and share their stories in more exciting, creative and persuasive ways. Through the years, we've built a reputation for delivering innovative, trusted products that are easy to learn and use, helping people achieve new levels of productivity. The industry has responded with hundreds of awards for software innovation, design and value.

In February 2012, Corel acquired Roxio’s broad range of digital media and security solutions, expanding its product portfolio with new products including the industry’s most popular digital media suite and the leading media conversion software on the Mac platform.

Our award winning product portfolio includes some of the world’s most widely recognized and popular software brands, including CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite, Corel® Painter™, Corel® PaintShop™ Pro, Corel® VideoStudio®, Corel® WinDVD®, Corel® WordPerfect® Office, WinZip®, Roxio Creator® and Roxio® Toast®.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Lansare RO.A.D.2012.40
18 august 2012,scris de Bogdan Condurăţeanu

Sheba Distribution SRL, reprezentant al firmei Garmin in Romania, are placerea sa anunte disponibilitatea noii editii a Atlasului Digital al Romaniei v4.40, RO.A.D.2012.40.

Continuand in traditia binecunoscuta deja clientilor Garmin din Romania, Atlasul Digital al Romaniei se mentine in continuare pe locul I in clasamentul hartilor de navigatie rutiera, aducand in plus fata de editia precedenta peste 17.241,53 de kilometri de drumuri, ridicand la un total de 267.261,99 km de cai de comunicatii acoperirea in teritoriu, cu acoperire imbogatita in judetele Vaslui, Iasi, Caras-Severin si Hunedoara, iar numarul de informatii de tip punct se ridica in aceasta editie la 314.941 puncte impartite in 437 de categorii.

ROAD2012.40 este singura harta de navigatie din lume care combina detalii topo cu o structura de drumuri rutabila – la nivel inclusiv de drumuri de pamant si poteci – cu adrese postale de o precizie neegalata, orase cu blocuri 3D si modele minutios realizate la constructii vechi, de patrimoniu, sau noi, definitorii pentru peisajul urban actual. Actualizarile la harta sunt constante si consistente de la o editie la alta si sunt documentate in Jurnalul Hartii, in care sunt trecute contributiile si autorii acestora, datele la care s-au efectuat precum si denumirile localitatilor si planselor afectate.

Fata de hartile comune de pe piata, Atlasul Digital al Romaniei are un grad de actualitate fara egal, in aceasta editie aflandu-se in premiera autostrada A3 intre Bucuresti si Ploiesti cu legatura de la Snagov, autostrada A2 completa, inclusiv segmentul Cernavoda-Medgidia cu legatura de la Valea Dacilor, continuarea centurii A4 si legatura la A4 din Ovidiu, pasajul subteran Stefan Guse-Oituz din Bacau, pasajul rutier suprateran din Craiova, pasajul subteran de acces la Prisma-Hornbach de pe DN1 din Balotesti, pasajul subteran de acces la Carrefour Tom din Ovidiu, podul rutier nou peste Cibin din Sibiu, strapungerea Popisteanu Cristian din Bucuresti, accesul la centrele comerciale Maritimo din Constanta si Lidl din Falticeni, legatura Coresi din Brasov precum si multe cartiere rezidentiale de data recenta (cartierul A.N.L. Henri Coanda, zonele rezidentiale FeliCity, Upground, Quadra Place, Greenfield Residence, etc. din Bucuresti, Militari Residence din Rosu, Ibiza Sol, Ibiza Golf si Oxford Gardens din Voluntari, etc.), sensuri unice si 38 (treizecisiopt) sensuri giratorii aparute intre timp.

Galeria modelelor 3D s-a imbogatit cu reprezentarea detaliata a bisericii evanghelice fortificate din Biertan. Granitele, componenta si denumirile parcurilor si rezervatiilor naturale din Romania au fost si acestea reactualizate dupa cele mai noi limite publicate de Ministerul Mediului in 2011.

Pasionatii de istorie vor descoperi in aceasta editie in premiera elementele de detaliu ale cetatii de epoca fierului de la Herneacova, ale asezarilor fortificate e-neolitice ale Culturilor Precucuteni de la Tarpesti - Rapa lui Bodai, Culturii Cucuteni de la Ruginoasa – Dealul Draghici, Culturii Vadastra de la Vadastra - Dealul Cismelei, Culturii Ceramicii Liniare de la Isaiia - Balta Popii, ale cetatii de epoca bronzului si dacica de la Naeni – Zanoaga, ale cetatilor dacice de la Pietroasele – Gruiu Darii si de la Todiresti – La Santuri.

Dispunand de un concept original, cu actualizari trimestriale, rodul muncii pasionatilor si specialistilor din echipa Proiectului Romania Digitala (, Atlasul Digital al Romaniei este optiunea profesionistilor din toate domeniile si unealta preferata de navigatie a pasionatilor de drumetii in aer liber.

Editia actuala are 482 MB marime si ruleaza exclusiv pe echipamente de navigatie Garmin, o lista a acestora fiind disponibila mai jos:

1. Dakota 20;
2. Edge 605 ÅŸi 705;
3. eTrex Venture CX;
4. eTrex Vista HCX, eTrex Legend Cx ÅŸi eTrex Legend HCX;
5. Gpsmap 60 CX, 60 CSX ÅŸi 76 CX, 76 CSX;
6. Gpsmap 62, 62s, 62st, 78, 78s;
7. toate Nuvi 2xx (Nuvi 2x0,2x0W, 2x5, 2x5W);
8. Nuvi 5xx;
9. Nuvi 6xx;
10. Nuvi 7x5;
11. Nuvi 12xx;
12. Nuvi 13xx ÅŸi 14xx;
13. Nuvi 37xx;
14. Nuvi 300 ÅŸi 350;
15. Nuvi 310, 360 ÅŸi 370;
16. Nuvi 2360;
17. Oregon 200, 300 ÅŸi 400;
18. Oregon 450, 550, 450T ÅŸi 550T;
19. Zumo 4xx ÅŸi 5xx;
20. Zumo 660;

Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
1. Colorado
2. Montana 6xx
3. Nuvi 1490TV
4. Nuvi 7xx
5. Nuvi 3490
Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
2.Nuvi 24x0
3.Nuvi 24x5 ÅŸi 25x5
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1.StreetPilot C3x0
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1.Nuvi 16xx
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1.Edge 800
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1.Zumo 2x0
Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
1.eTrex 20 ÅŸi eTrex 30
Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
1.Gpsmap 62sc ÅŸi Gpsmap 62stc
Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
1.Nuvi 35xx
Se poate instala harta şi pe următoarele dispozitive:
1.Nuvi 40 ÅŸi Nuvi 50
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1. GVN 53
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1. Astro 320
Se poate instala harta şi pe următorul dispozitiv:
1. Nuvi 22xx

Utilizarea hartii ROAD2012.40 poate crea dependenta de calitate, valoare, functionalitate si frumos!

Puncte de interes
Instructiuni de utilizare
Descarcati de pe programul POI Loader si il instalati pe PC. Descarcati fisierul PROX_POI.csv (clic dreapta, apoi Save Target As) intr-un director aparte. Conectati dispozitivul Garmin la calculator si asteptati sa fie recunoscut de sistem. Porniti POI Loader, alegeti dispozitivul Garmin, alegeti calea catre locul unde se afla fisierul PROX_POI.csv, bifati kph/meters si modul Express, apoi Send.

Download RO.A.D.2012.40 Maps PROX_POI.csv
Numarul total de inregistrari a ajuns la 500 alerte.

Keywords: Downloads,Download, Garmin, GPS Maps, GPS Software, Imagini RO.A.D.2012.40, NEWS, Prezentare RO.A.D.2012.40, Romania digitala, Tutorials, Download,Tutorial.

Friday, August 17, 2012

City Navigator® North America NT 2013.20

Version: 2013.20
Released: August, 2012

Includes postal code support for Canada.
Shows highways, interstates, and business and residential roads in metropolitan and rural areas.
Displays more than 10 million points of interest, including hotels, restaurants, parking, entertainment, fuel and shopping.
Gives turn-by-turn directions on your compatible device.
Speaks street names (example: "Turn right on Main Street").
Includes navigational features, such as turn restrictions, roundabout guidance, speed categories and more.
Contains traffic data for compatible devices with traffic receivers.
(DVD version only) Includes Trip-Planning software to plan trips on your computer and transfer waypoints, routes and tracks to your device.

Download Requirements

File Information
The file size of this download and space required on device or microSD™/SD™ card is 1.62 GB. If this download does not fit on your device, data may be saved on a microSD/SD card (recycled microSD cards may be used to program map data).

Please note, these full-version maps DO NOT contain premium content such as Junction View or 3-D buildings and terrain. These features only are available on the preloaded maps within your device or through a specific update for the mapping region of your device.

Use With One Device Only
This product may be unlocked and used on 1 compatible device. If you want to use this same map on subsequent units, you must purchase a new map for each device.

Data downloaded to a microSD/SD card is associated with the device you select during the download process. Please purchase additional quantities for additional devices.

Product Compatibility
A card reader and microSD/SD card are required to download mapping to the following Garmin devices: eTrex® Legend Cx/HCx, Vista Cx/HCx, Venture Cx; GPSMAP® 60CSx/60Cx; GPSMAP 76CSx/76Cx; Rino® 520HCx/530HCx; Astro® 220; StreetPilot® 7200/7500 (Not all devices are compatible with all downloads.Check compatibility!

Minimum Requirements
The download process requires you to install the free Garmin Communicator Plugin on your computer so we can communicate with your device. Note: The download is installed directly to your device or microSD/SD card and is not accessible on the computer.

Windows® XP SP3 or newer
1024 x 768 display
USB port
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (included)
Internet access
Any Intel-based Mac or PowerPC G4 or later Mac
OS X 10.4.11 or later
1024 x 768 display
USB port
Internet access

Coverage Details
About Coverage
Features detailed maps of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, as well as Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy and Jamaica.


Compatible Devices
View disk-compatible products
 aera® 500
 aera® 510
 aera® 550
 aera® 560
 Alpha™ 100
 Astro® 220
 Astro® 320
 Colorado® 300
 Colorado® 400c
 Colorado® 400i
 Colorado® 400t
 dÄ“zl™ 560LMT
 dÄ“zl™ 560LT
 Dakota® 10
 Dakota® 20
 Edge® 605
 Edge® 705
 Edge® 800
 eTrex Legend® Cx
 eTrex Legend® H
 eTrex Legend® HCx
 eTrex Summit® HC
 eTrex Venture® Cx
 eTrex Venture® HC
 eTrex Vista® Cx
 eTrex Vista® H
 eTrex Vista® HCx
 eTrex® 20
 eTrex® 30
 GPSMAP® 278
 GPSMAP® 296
 GPSMAP® 378
 GPSMAP® 396
 GPSMAP® 478
 GPSMAP® 495
 GPSMAP® 496
 GPSMAP® 620
 GPSMAP® 62s
 GPSMAP® 62sc
 GPSMAP® 62st
 GPSMAP® 62stc
 GPSMAP® 640
 GPSMAP® 78s
 GPSMAP® 78sc
 iQue® 3000
 iQue® M3
 iQue® M4
 LIVE 1695
 Montana™ 600
 Montana™ 650
 Montana™ 650t
 nüvi® 1100
 nüvi® 1100LM
 nüvi® 1200
 nüvi® 1250
 nüvi® 1260T
 nüvi® 1300
 nüvi® 1300LM
 nüvi® 1350
 nüvi® 1350LMT
 nüvi® 1350T
 nüvi® 1360
 nüvi® 1370T
 nüvi® 1390LMT
 nüvi® 1390T
 nüvi® 1450
 nüvi® 1450LM
 nüvi® 1450LMT
 nüvi® 1450T
 nüvi® 1490LMT
 nüvi® 1490T
 nüvi® 1690
 nüvi® 200
 nüvi® 200W
 nüvi® 205
 nüvi® 205W
 nüvi® 2200
 nüvi® 2250
 nüvi® 2250LT
 nüvi® 2300
 nüvi® 2300LM
 nüvi® 2350
 nüvi® 2350LMT
 nüvi® 2350LT
 nüvi® 2360LMT
 nüvi® 2360LT
 nüvi® 2370LT
 nüvi® 2450
 nüvi® 2450LM
 nüvi® 2455LMT
 nüvi® 2455LT
 nüvi® 2460LMT
 nüvi® 2460LT
 nüvi® 2475LT
 nüvi® 2495LMT
 nüvi® 250
 nüvi® 250W
 nüvi® 255
 nüvi® 2555LMT
 nüvi® 2555LT
 nüvi® 255W
 nüvi® 2595LMT
 nüvi® 260
 nüvi® 260W
 nüvi® 265T
 nüvi® 265WT
 nüvi® 270
 nüvi® 275T
 nüvi® 285WT
 nüvi® 295W
 nüvi® 30
 nüvi® 3450
 nüvi® 3450LM
 nüvi® 3490LMT
 nüvi® 350
 nüvi® 3550LM
 nüvi® 3590LMT
 nüvi® 360
 nüvi® 370
 nüvi® 3750
 nüvi® 3760LMT
 nüvi® 3760T
 nüvi® 3790LMT
 nüvi® 3790T
 nüvi® 40
 nüvi® 40LM
 nüvi® 465LMT
 nüvi® 50
 nüvi® 500
 nüvi® 5000
 nüvi® 50LM
 nüvi® 550
 nüvi® 600
 nüvi® 610
 nüvi® 650
 nüvi® 660
 nüvi® 670
 nüvi® 680
 nüvi® 750
 nüvi® 755T
 nüvi® 760
 nüvi® 765T
 nüvi® 770
 nüvi® 775T
 nüvi® 780
 nüvi® 785T
 nüvi® 850
 nüvi® 855
 nüvi® 880
 nüvi® 885T
 nüvifone™ G60
 Oregon® 200
 Oregon® 300
 Oregon® 400c
 Oregon® 400i
 Oregon® 400t
 Oregon® 450
 Oregon® 450t
 Oregon® 550
 Oregon® 550t
 Quest® 2
 Rino® 520HCx
 Rino® 530HCx
 Rino® 610
 Rino® 650
 Rino® 655t
 StreetPilot® 2720
 StreetPilot® 2730
 StreetPilot® 2820
 StreetPilot® 7200
 StreetPilot® 7500
 StreetPilot® c310
 StreetPilot® c320
 StreetPilot® c330
 StreetPilot® c340
 StreetPilot® c510
 StreetPilot® c530
 StreetPilot® c550
 StreetPilot® c580
 StreetPilot® i2
 StreetPilot® i3
 StreetPilot® i5
 zÅ«mo® 220
 zÅ«mo® 350LM
 zÅ«mo® 450
 zÅ«mo® 550
 zÅ«mo® 660
 zÅ«mo® 660LM
 zÅ«mo® 665
 zÅ«mo® 665LM
View download-compatible products
 aera® 500
 aera® 510
 aera® 550
 aera® 560
 Alpha™ 100
 Astro® 220
 Astro® 320
 Colorado® 300
 Colorado® 400c
 Colorado® 400i
 Colorado® 400t
 dÄ“zl™ 560LMT
 dÄ“zl™ 560LT
 Dakota® 10
 Dakota® 20
 Edge® 605
 Edge® 705
 Edge® 800
 eTrex Legend® Cx
 eTrex Legend® HCx
 eTrex Venture® Cx
 eTrex Vista® Cx
 eTrex Vista® HCx
 eTrex® 20
 eTrex® 30
 GPSMAP® 620
 GPSMAP® 62s
 GPSMAP® 62sc
 GPSMAP® 62st
 GPSMAP® 62stc
 GPSMAP® 640
 GPSMAP® 78s
 GPSMAP® 78sc
 LIVE 1695
 Montana™ 600
 Montana™ 650
 Montana™ 650t
 nüvi® 1100
 nüvi® 1100LM
 nüvi® 1200
 nüvi® 1250
 nüvi® 1260T
 nüvi® 1300
 nüvi® 1300LM
 nüvi® 1350
 nüvi® 1350LMT
 nüvi® 1350T
 nüvi® 1360
 nüvi® 1370T
 nüvi® 1390LMT
 nüvi® 1390T
 nüvi® 1450
 nüvi® 1450LM
 nüvi® 1450LMT
 nüvi® 1450T
 nüvi® 1490LMT
 nüvi® 1490T
 nüvi® 1690
 nüvi® 200
 nüvi® 200W
 nüvi® 205
 nüvi® 205W
 nüvi® 2200
 nüvi® 2250
 nüvi® 2250LT
 nüvi® 2300
 nüvi® 2300LM
 nüvi® 2350
 nüvi® 2350LMT
 nüvi® 2350LT
 nüvi® 2360LMT
 nüvi® 2360LT
 nüvi® 2370LT
 nüvi® 2450
 nüvi® 2450LM
 nüvi® 2455LMT
 nüvi® 2455LT
 nüvi® 2460LMT
 nüvi® 2460LT
 nüvi® 2475LT
 nüvi® 2495LMT
 nüvi® 250
 nüvi® 250W
 nüvi® 255
 nüvi® 2555LMT
 nüvi® 2555LT
 nüvi® 255W
 nüvi® 2595LMT
 nüvi® 260
 nüvi® 260W
 nüvi® 265T
 nüvi® 265WT
 nüvi® 270
 nüvi® 275T
 nüvi® 285WT
 nüvi® 295W
 nüvi® 30
 nüvi® 3450
 nüvi® 3450LM
 nüvi® 3490LMT
 nüvi® 350
 nüvi® 3550LM
 nüvi® 3590LMT
 nüvi® 360
 nüvi® 370
 nüvi® 3750
 nüvi® 3760LMT
 nüvi® 3760T
 nüvi® 3790LMT
 nüvi® 3790T
 nüvi® 40
 nüvi® 40LM
 nüvi® 465LMT
 nüvi® 50
 nüvi® 500
 nüvi® 5000
 nüvi® 50LM
 nüvi® 550
 nüvi® 600
 nüvi® 610
 nüvi® 650
 nüvi® 660
 nüvi® 670
 nüvi® 680
 nüvi® 750
 nüvi® 755T
 nüvi® 760
 nüvi® 765T
 nüvi® 770
 nüvi® 775T
 nüvi® 780
 nüvi® 785T
 nüvi® 850
 nüvi® 855
 nüvi® 880
 nüvi® 885T
 nüvifone™ G60
 Oregon® 200
 Oregon® 300
 Oregon® 400c
 Oregon® 400i
 Oregon® 400t
 Oregon® 450
 Oregon® 450t
 Oregon® 550
 Oregon® 550t
 Rino® 520HCx
 Rino® 530HCx
 Rino® 610
 Rino® 650
 Rino® 655t
 StreetPilot® 7200
 StreetPilot® 7500
 StreetPilot® c310
 StreetPilot® c320
 StreetPilot® c330
 StreetPilot® c340
 StreetPilot® c510
 StreetPilot® c530
 StreetPilot® c550
 StreetPilot® c580
 StreetPilot® i2
 StreetPilot® i3
 StreetPilot® i5
 zÅ«mo® 220
 zÅ«mo® 350LM
 zÅ«mo® 450
 zÅ«mo® 550
 zÅ«mo® 660
 zÅ«mo® 660LM
 zÅ«mo® 665
 zÅ«mo® 665LM
View microSD™/SD™ card-compatible products
 aera® 500
 aera® 510
 aera® 550
 aera® 560
 aera® 795
 aera® 796
 Alpha™ 100
 Astro® 220
 Astro® 320
 Colorado® 300
 Colorado® 400c
 Colorado® 400i
 Colorado® 400t
 dÄ“zl™ 560LMT
 dÄ“zl™ 560LT
 Dakota® 20
 Edge® 605
 Edge® 705
 Edge® 800
 eTrex Legend® Cx
 eTrex Legend® HCx
 eTrex Venture® Cx
 eTrex Vista® Cx
 eTrex Vista® HCx
 eTrex® 20
 eTrex® 30
 GPSMAP® 620
 GPSMAP® 62s
 GPSMAP® 62sc
 GPSMAP® 62st
 GPSMAP® 62stc
 GPSMAP® 640
 GPSMAP® 78s
 GPSMAP® 78sc
 GVN 52
 GVN 53
 iQue® M4
 LIVE 1695
 Montana™ 600
 Montana™ 650
 Montana™ 650t
 nüvi® 1100
 nüvi® 1100LM
 nüvi® 1200
 nüvi® 1250
 nüvi® 1260T
 nüvi® 1300
 nüvi® 1300LM
 nüvi® 1350
 nüvi® 1350LMT
 nüvi® 1350T
 nüvi® 1360
 nüvi® 1370T
 nüvi® 1390LMT
 nüvi® 1390T
 nüvi® 1450
 nüvi® 1450LM
 nüvi® 1450LMT
 nüvi® 1450T
 nüvi® 1490LMT
 nüvi® 1490T
 nüvi® 1690
 nüvi® 200
 nüvi® 200W
 nüvi® 205
 nüvi® 205W
 nüvi® 2200
 nüvi® 2250
 nüvi® 2250LT
 nüvi® 2300
 nüvi® 2300LM
 nüvi® 2350
 nüvi® 2350LMT
 nüvi® 2350LT
 nüvi® 2360LMT
 nüvi® 2360LT
 nüvi® 2370LT
 nüvi® 2450
 nüvi® 2450LM
 nüvi® 2455LMT
 nüvi® 2455LT
 nüvi® 2460LMT
 nüvi® 2460LT
 nüvi® 2475LT
 nüvi® 2495LMT
 nüvi® 250
 nüvi® 250W
 nüvi® 255
 nüvi® 2555LMT
 nüvi® 2555LT
 nüvi® 255W
 nüvi® 2595LMT
 nüvi® 260
 nüvi® 260W
 nüvi® 265T
 nüvi® 265WT
 nüvi® 270
 nüvi® 275T
 nüvi® 285WT
 nüvi® 295W
 nüvi® 30
 nüvi® 3450
 nüvi® 3450LM
 nüvi® 3490LMT
 nüvi® 350
 nüvi® 3550LM
 nüvi® 3590LMT
 nüvi® 360
 nüvi® 370
 nüvi® 3750
 nüvi® 3760LMT
 nüvi® 3760T
 nüvi® 3790LMT
 nüvi® 3790T
 nüvi® 40
 nüvi® 40LM
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