Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The latest stable and recommended version
Download ffdshow_rev4422_20120409_x64.exe

SVN - 32-bit - generic relatively stable, not fully tested
Download ffdshow_rev4399_20120322_clsid.exe
SVN - 64-bit same as above, 32-bit version recommended instead for better third-party application compatibility
Download ffdshow_rev4399_20120322_clsid_x64.exe
Windows 98/ME support has been dropped starting with revision 2353. The last officially supported build is 2322 and can be downloaded here:
Download ffdshow rev2322 for Win98/ME EXE

License: GNU/GPL

FFdshow tryouts is a DirectShow and Video for Windows codec with support for a wide range of audio and video formats, such as Xvid, DivX, and H.264. It includes a powerful filter set that can enhance the video quality - with filters for resizing, deinterlacing, and displaying subtitles - as well as audio quality through normalization, down-/upmixing, and resampling.

                                                 ffdshow's video decoder settings

                                                    ffdshow's audio decoder settings

                                           ffdshow's volume mixer with enabled normalization

Keywords: Audio Codec, Codec Packs, Codecs, DirectShow filters, Downloads, Free Audio Decoder, Free Software, Freeware Software, Subtitles, Video Codecs.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How Download Exe Files

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Probleme cu potenta

Un bărbat vine la doctor şi îi mărturiseşte că are probleme cu potenţa. Doctorul îi zice:
- Asta nu mai e în zilele noastre o problemă! Tocmai s-a scos pe piaţă un nou medicament, Viagra, care pune capăt tuturor problemelor de acest gen.
Doctorul îi prescrie pilula şi omul nostru pleacă. După cîteva luni, doctorul se întîlneşte pe stradă cu pacientul:
- Domnule doctor, medicamentul dv. e o minune! Vă mulţumesc din suflet! E minunat!
- Mă bucur să aud asta, zice doctorul. Ce părere are soţia dv. despre asta?
- SoÅ£ia?! întreabă uimit omul nostru. Păi de atunci n-am mai dat pe acasă…