Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TinKode-US Army full disclosure again

US Army full disclosure again

Posted by isrtinkode on February 19, 2010

                                /\                                    (_) |
                               /  \   _ __ _ __ ___  _   _   _ __ ___  _| |
                              / /\ \ | '__| '_ ` _ \| | | | | '_ ` _ \| | |
                             / ____ \| |  | | | | | | |_| |_| | | | | | | |
                            /_/    \_\_|  |_| |_| |_|\__, (_)_| |_| |_|_|_|
                                                      __/ |
The United States Army is the branch of the United States Military responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military and is one of seven uniformed services. The modern Army has its roots in the Continental Army which was formed on 14 June 1775, before the establishment of the United States, to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War. Congress created the United States Army on 14 June 1784 after the end of the war to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The Army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force.
Vulnerable link:
This website is vulnerable to MSSQL Injection. With this vulnerability i can see / extract all things from databases.

Ok, in this picture we can see all main informations about webserver.

Main information:
#Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2282 (Intel X86) Dec 30 2008 02:22:41 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2
All databases:
[0] censored
[1] master
[2] tempdb
[3] model
[4] msdb
[5] AHOS
[9] HEAT
[10] REF_DB
[11] ReportDB
[17] HUACFSDIS102148
[20] GFOQ_Development
[21] ARTI02036THS003
[22] BISM5843235S301
[23] CDAR0413DPWS001
[24] CHAB000639BS002
[25] FRSA1050WHDS212
[26] GGDE0032284S005
[27] GRAF0244HOUS001
[28] HDCS3980WHDS204
[29] Spotlight
[30] LEDW0003SWFS002
[31] LEDW0252GSWS003
[32] NHQA4106WDAS101
[33] PANS2913GSTS001
[34] PION0011414S601
[35] SEMI0022DPWS002
[36] SULL0255WMAS001
[37] VCAM0107HOUS001
[38] WARN7114279S003
[39] WETZ8876222S210
[40] WIAF1023221S001
[41] LEDW0252GSWS001
[44] GREE305APDPW001
[45] HNRYA4KOA4HG086
[47] RICH123A0PHO001
[49] TORIDPWA4177105
[50] WAIN224DB003153
[52] ZAMADPWA0067011
[55] BENNA0I32214251
[57] BRAGA4PWAJ18145
[59] DAEN3104WKLS005
[60] DAMIAP06
[61] DIXXAPRDPW00001
[62] DRUMA001VA11202
[65] FS-HOMES01
[69] HAMIA1206DPW008
[71] HIALA0KOA4HG170
We can access information_schema, so let’s see the tables from principal database “censored

[0] comd_list
[1] dtproperties
[2] Faqs
[3] Faqs_Categories
[4] Forms
[5] forms_base
[6] gBase
[7] gBase_OLD
[8] gCountries
[9] gHousing_offices
[10] gHousing_offices-old
[11] gStates
[12] Housing_off_post
[13] Housing_phone_qr
[14] mgr_login
[15] mgr_login_OLD
[16] mgr_login_passwords
[17] mgr_login_save
[18] MgrCorner_Configuration
[19] MgrCorner_Configuration_ID
[20] must_know
[21] must_know_cat
[22] Must_know_OLD
[23] sysconstraints
[24] syssegments
[25] UPH
[26] UPH_OLD
[27] uph_photo_text
[28] uph_photo_tours
[29] uph_photos
[30] v_mapview
[31] V_RankView
[32] vHousingAreas
[33] vhqd_vrtours
[34] VIEW_housing
[35] VIEW_phototours
[36] VIEW_vrtours
[37] vMapFiles
[38] vMapOrder
[39] vPhotoFiles
[40] vPlan
[41] vPlanFiles
[42] vRank
[43] vRankDesc
[44] vRankRankDesc
[45] waitlist
[46] waitlist_items
Now, here are some interesting tables, like censored.

Here i found censored columns, with :
wtf! :|
That it’s all! Bye, TinKode…

TinKode-Kaspersky Portugal Full Disclosure

Kaspersky Portugal Full Disclosure

Posted by isrtinkode on February 19, 2010
                     _   __                              _
                    | | / /                             | |
                    | |/ /  __ _ ___ _ __   ___ _ __ ___| | ___   _
                    |    \ / _` / __| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| |/ / | | |
                    | |\  \ (_| \__ \ |_) |  __/ |  \__ \   <| |_| |
                    \_| \_/\__,_|___/ .__/ \___|_|  |___/_|\_\\__, |
                                    | |                        __/ |
                                    |_|                       |___/

                                                                                  #owned by c0de.breaker

In one evening, when i searched a antivirus, I entered on the official kaspersky website of Portugal from mistake.
Kaspersky, from what i know has been hacked by “unu” with MySQLi.
So I said to try to see if I could find a vulnerability!
After 5 minutes of searching, I found something interesting, namely::

Warning: censored() [function.censored]: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 306 in /home1/_sites/wwwkasperskycompt/kaspersky/PHP/IfDBRevendedoresKaspersky.phpclass on line 121
ERRO na execucao da query getRevendedors
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 306
censored() : That means as he use a censoredSQL database.
First time, i checked to see if is injectable, and if i can extract something.
The answer:




So I can make censoredSQL Injection!
What I extracted?
I wasn’t concerned about the content, I only “got” the names of databases, tables and columns.


#Principal Database: censored
#User: censored
#Version: censoredSQL 8.1.11 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
#Other Databases
1 censored
2 template1
3 template0
4 monitoring
5 estkaspersky
6 horde
7 licence
8 hardwareipbrick
9 acessosclientes
10 licencefmota
11 temp
12 dbdoc
13 webcalendar
14 ipbox
15 adcav
16 jpleitao2
17 funambol
18 gaia
19 cinel2
20 makeupdate
21 tempdefaultconfig
#The tables from censored database (number:458)
1 table_base_idxml73
2 table_ass_idxml73_idtab1025
3 liga_tipoent_categoria
4 liga_subcat_categoria
5 classif_entidades
6 ignora
7 categoria_entidade
8 site
9 subcategoria_entidade
10 tabela_gestao_ipcontactos
11 ipcontactos_lang_files
12 utilizador_externo
13 webcal_sincro
14 pga_queries
15 pga_forms
16 pga_scripts
17 pga_reports
18 pga_schema
19 pga_layout
20 avaliar
21 estadorec1
22 liga_resultado_tarefa
23 webcal_user
24 utilizadores_operacao
25 webcal_entry
26 webcal_entry_repeats
27 webcal_entry_repeats_not
28 webcal_entry_user
29 webcal_entry_ext_user
30 webcal_user_pref
31 webcal_user_layers
32 exhumationprice
33 webcal_site_extras
34 webcal_reminder_log
35 webcal_group
36 table_base_idxml13
37 webcal_group_user
38 webcal_view
39 webcal_view_user
40 gravetype
41 webcal_entry_log
42 webcal_categories
43 webcal_config
44 cemeterysection
45 solucao
46 ipdoclanguages
47 ipdoctranslation
48 ipdocsentences
49 ipdocpages
50 ipdocpagetranslation
51 table_base_idxml15
52 table_ass_idxml15_idtab51
53 lockcodigos
54 assunto
55 table_base_idxml16
56 subassunto
57 table_ass_idxml16_idtab68
58 entidades2
59 coordenadas_estado
60 dados_infantarios
61 coordenadas_estadopr
62 codigo_accaopr
63 table_base_idxml17
64 raca
65 table_base_idxml18
66 table_base_idxml19
67 table_base_idxml20
68 table_base_idxml14
69 distrito
70 concelho
439 accaopr
440 table_base_idxml79
441 estadopr
442 funcaoproc
443 funcaopr
444 table_ass_idxml79_idtab1183
445 table_ass_idxml79_idtab1190
446 table_ass_idxml79_idtab1191
447 table_ass_idxml79_idtab1192
448 table_ass_idxml79_idtab1193
449 table_ass_idxml77_idtab1194
450 table_base_idxml78
451 table_ass_idxml80_idtab1216
452 table_base_idxml81
453 table_ass_idxml81_idtab1228
454 table_base_idxml70
455 table_base_idxml82
456 documento
457 revisaodoc
458 table_ass_idxml82_idtab1257
#Me: Ma gandesc, daca tot este una din cele mai mari compani din lume care asigura protectia poate a multor milioane de utilizatori prin produsele sale,
de ce nu au grija de propria securitatea in primul rand? Acest lucru poate fi si din cauza firmelor care creaza aceste website-uri intr-un timp foarte scurt pe sume exagerat de mari…
Cam atat.

~Where is a will, there is a way

TinKode-Kaspersky Thailand Full Access

Kaspersky Thailand Full Access

Posted by isrtinkode on February 19, 2010
 _  __                             _                                _
| |/ /                            | |              /\              (_)
| ' / __ _ ___ _ __   ___ _ __ ___| | ___   _     /  \   __ _  __ _ _ _ __
|  < / _` / __| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| |/ / | | |   / /\ \ / _` |/ _` | | '_ \
| . \ (_| \__ \ |_) |  __/ |  \__ \   <| |_| |  / ____ \ (_| | (_| | | | | |
|_|\_\__,_|___/ .__/ \___|_|  |___/_|\_\\__, | /_/    \_\__, |\__,_|_|_| |_|
              | |                        __/ |           __/ |
              |_|                       |___/           |___/

                     #Kaspersky Thailand full access@c0de.breaker
Ok… As you might remember, some time ago, I gained access into Kaspersky Portugal.
Now I found another vulnerable parameter in Kaspersky Thailand.
Because the mod_security was ON, it was hard for me to make the injection, and in order to extract tables,colums,etc you must have a vast knowledge about how to filter some things.

Main Informations:

#Version: 5.1.30
All databases:
Tables from thaikasp_dealer:

Tables from thaikasp_forum:
Columns from tbmember
And now all accounts from tbmember. I can’t understand why passwords aren’t encrypted!

Admin Control Panel:

Yeah, finish.
Bye, TinKode