Wednesday, February 1, 2012


( Medical Education & Training Campus Hacked

Posted by isrtinkode on April 15, 2010
Full Disclosure!
The Joint Medical Education and Training Campus at Fort Sam Houston in Texas is to be the military’s primary site for joint and service specific health care education and training. The Center will effectively consolidate five separate major learning institutions at a single location, and will provide medical personnel from the Army, Air Force, and Navy with both a standard medical core curriculum as well as courses specific to each service.
The center will be the largest military medical education and training institution in the world and its creation is expected to be the largest consolidation of service training in the history of the United States Department of Defense, with more than 9,000 active duty students from all three services being trained at any given time. An estimated 32,000 personnel will be trained at the facility annually.
Health care training activities will be consolidated from a variety of locations across the United States, to include Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Naval Station Great Lakes, Sheppard Air Force Base, and Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. @ (Hacked) Romanian National Security

Posted by isrtinkode on April 19, 2010
Saved on zone-h:
The subdomain defaced:

Mesajul este destul de clar (The message):
Aceasta nu este o miscare de rezistenta, un protest, sau o revolta!
Este strigatul întregului popor român ce face apel la fratii nostri care au uitat ca si în venele noastre circula un sânge roman.
Sângele ce-a fost jertfit si varsat pe câmpurile de lupta pentru a fi scrisa istoria neamului nostru cere acum DREPTATE.
Eroii patriei noastre nu vor muri niciodata! Vrem sa nu se uite CINE l-a varsat pentru ca România sa existe astazi pe harta,
sa le amintim copiilor si nepotilor nostri, sa îi respectam cu onoarea cuvenita. Ne-a ajuns atâta batjocura.
Tiganii nu sunt Români! Nu ei ne-au scris istoria!
Când vorbiti despre compatriotii nostri nu mai folositi expresiile “Tigani Români”.
Noi v-am respectat Franta, voi ne veti respecta ROMÂNIA!
R.N.S. VEGHEAZA pentru ca aceste lucruri sa fie înfaptuite..

Cu putine zile in urma tot aceasta echipa necunoscuta pana acum (RNSRomanian National Security) a mai transmis tot prin aceasi “metoda” un mesage destul de dur celor de la The Daily Telegraph.
Personal, din cate observ acesti baieti au ceva cu toate tarile care au stricat imaginea Romaniei.
Nu incurajez asemenea lucruri, dar unii chiar o merita!
———————————————————- XSS Vulnerability XSS Vulnerability

Posted by isrtinkode on April 25, 2010 XSS Vulnerability

Note: You can’t do much with that, but it’s a vulnerability anyway! :)