Showing posts with label Kaspersky Thailand Full Access. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaspersky Thailand Full Access. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TinKode-Kaspersky Thailand Full Access

Kaspersky Thailand Full Access

Posted by isrtinkode on February 19, 2010
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                     #Kaspersky Thailand full access@c0de.breaker
Ok… As you might remember, some time ago, I gained access into Kaspersky Portugal.
Now I found another vulnerable parameter in Kaspersky Thailand.
Because the mod_security was ON, it was hard for me to make the injection, and in order to extract tables,colums,etc you must have a vast knowledge about how to filter some things.

Main Informations:

#Version: 5.1.30
All databases:
Tables from thaikasp_dealer:

Tables from thaikasp_forum:
Columns from tbmember
And now all accounts from tbmember. I can’t understand why passwords aren’t encrypted!

Admin Control Panel:

Yeah, finish.
Bye, TinKode