Showing posts with label NASA Full-Disclosure AGAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA Full-Disclosure AGAIN. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

TinKode-NASA Full-Disclosure! AGAIN

NASA Full-Disclosure! AGAIN

Posted by isrtinkode on February 19, 2010
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              #Full Disclosure... c0de.breaker
Ok. First of all, the reason I made this SQLi public ( even though I had no intention to make this ) , is because I found out that somebody else discovered the vulnerable parameter.I found this SQLi 3 months ago.
# Why do I test websites?
Because it is my hobby , and I want to prove that even the big websites, which should be highly secured, can be hacked. This is the reality , and it makes me sad.I feeling alright about what I’m doing, because if anyone finds a vulnerability before me , he/she could use it in harmful ways such as: shelling , rooting , backdooring , deleting etc
The WebSite Vulnerable: (CEOS Systems Analysis Database)

#Version: 5.1.31-community
#User: *******
#Main Database: *******
#Path of MySQL: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\Data\
Also, the magic_quotes_gpc=OFF, and “user” from mysql have all privileges:
Other Databases:
Tables from “ceosvis” database:
Tables from main Database:
I made this public, because I saw the website down, and I think the administrators will fix the vulnerability once someone reports the problem. (sorry because i didn’t make this first, if was that)